Have you always wanted to grow your crypto holdings with Tokenize Xchange? Then we have a new product for you — Dual Earn Products where you can stake two cryptos and earn a higher yield.
*Do take note that the Earn program will streamlined for Accredited Investor and Institutional users from 1stOct'23 onwards.*
What is Dual Earn?
Dual Earn is a type of crypto earn product that incentivize users to obtain the highest possible reward while satisfying their digital asset risk appetite. Regardless of market moving higher or lower, users are still able to earn from the crypto rewards.
Please refer to the actual program for the real time APR%.
How to participate Dual Earn on Tokenize Xchange?
Here is step-by-step to participate Dual Earn on Tokenize
Sign in to your Tokenize account. At the top middle of the page, click on Earn and Dual Earn :
You will be directed to this dash board.
From this dash board scroll down to see the current dual earns products available。
Here is a example on how to deposit 1 unit of TKX & BTC:
Do take note that you need to have at least 1000 TKX & 0.1 BTC in your main wallet. If you want to deposit more it will need to be in whole units, example 2000TKX & 0.2 BTC (2 units) or 11,000TKX & 1.1 BTC (11 units) and so fro.
After clicking on Invest, key the amount of units then click CONFIRM once you have check and is fine with amount to invest.
Step 4 : Upon confirmation there will be a green notification shown at the top of the page.
The summary of your investment will be shown at the top of the page under Your Investing and we will send a notification email to you as well.
Yield Payments:
Yield payment is done at every first day of the month and the day when you redeem out the tokens. They will be directly added to you main wallet, in this case your TKX and BTC wallet. They can seen when you click on Yield Payment as per the previous section.
Redeem/withdrawal of Tokens:
When the 60 days maturity is reached, under the summary Your investing click Redeem and the tokens will be withdrawal back to you main wallet.
Commonly asked questions on Dual Earn:
Question : What should I do if I will like to enjoy another 60 days of yield payment for the same product which I have put in and going to mature soon ? Can I just leave the tokens there for another 60 more days ?
Answer : If you do not redeem the deposited token after 60 days there will not be further yield generated. To enjoy another round of 60 days yield generation, redeem out your tokens when the 1st 60 days is completed and then deposit them back into Dual Earn for another 60 days.
Digital Currencies are NOT bank deposits, are NOT legal tender, are NOT backed by the government, and accounts and value balances are NOT subject to Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or Securities Investor Protection Corporation or any other governmental or government-backed protections. Legislative and regulatory changes or actions at the State, Federal, or international level may adversely affect the use, transfer, exchange, and value of Digital Currencies.
* The payout you received monthly is simple daily yield and will not be compounded
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