IP Whitelist is a security feature used for limiting and controlling access only to trusted users.
Any user who tries to log in from a device with an IP address not included in the whitelist will not be able to log in.
1. Log in from a device with a different IP address
If you log in to the account with a different IP address, you will receive an email from Tokenize Exchange with the Subject: New device signed in to Tokenize Account.
Please check the log-in again, if there is no suspicion, you can skip this notification.
If you suspect the log-in, you can click on "disable your account". This step may be tedious but it could prevent hackers from getting access to your account from other random locations.
If you disable your account successfully, your account will be locked and no one will be able to access it. In order to reactivate your account, kindly contact Tokenize support at support@tokenizexchange.zendesk.com
2. Block all unauthorized IP address
All devices that have different IP address can not signed in to your account.
If you want to check and block all unauthorized IP address, click on user symbol, select " Security ".
Click on IP Whitelist under Security, turn on strict mode " block all authorized IP address "
When turn on the mode, the green notification will show that unauthorized IP address are blocked.
3. Adding of trusted IP address
You can input the IP address then key authentication code. After that, click on " Add " to save your IP address to the list.
4. Removing of IP address
Choose IP address that you want to remove then click on recycle bin symbol.
Open google authenticator on your phone then enter authenticator code => click on " Remove "
After you remove the unauthorized IP address, if you use the device with different IP. Instead of the next successful login, you will see the following message.
Please check your email if you want to authorize the new IP address.
- You will receive an email from Tokenize Exchange with the Subject: New device signed to Tokenize account.
- Click on Authorize IP Address.
Afterwards, you will be redirected to this page. Click on back to Login
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