Tokenize Crypto Earn allows you to safely deposit your cryptocurrencies with us to earn monthly yields in your crypto tokens.
Please refer to actual program for the real time APR %.
*Do take note that the Earn program will streamlined for Accredited Investor and Institutional users from 1stOct'23 onwards.*
Here is a step-by-step guide on how to participate crypto earn and stake TKX on Tokenize Xchange.
Go to our website. Select Earn on your dashboard then select Crypto Earn.
You will be directed to the below dash board.
As you scroll down further, you will be able to see the full list of coins available under Product :
For the actual APR% in place, do check the actual program real time.
The Basic Staking and with 200 TKX Staking button, allows you to see what is the higher APR% ( annual Yield ) when you paired with 200TKX without actually staking first. Please refer to the platform for the updated real time APR%.
What is Compound yield on payment days and why stake with additional TKX ?
Compound yield on payment days is a option where once user tick on it, the yield pay out instead of going to the main wallet, it will be added into the main deposit itself. This option can only be selected at the start of each deposit after you have click stake on the token to deposit (refer to below example on the standard deposit flow).
Pair with additional TKX (not to confuse with standalone TKX deposit) is a option where by users have 200TKX in their main wallet and they would like to pair this 200TKX with their non TKX deposits. Deposits that are paired with 200TKX will enjoy a higher APR%. This process can only be selected and executed at the start of each deposit after you have click stake on the token you want to deposit (refer to below example on the standard deposit flow). Do take note the flexi withdrawal functions for pairing with TKX will be removed from all staking from 23rdDec'22 onwards.
Here is a example of how to do a deposit for 0.31 BTC without 200 TKX staking and no compound yield enabled:
Under Products scroll to Bitcoin Staking and click on the orange Stake letter on the most right under Action.
The below page will appear and you input in the 0.31 BTC under amount.
Once done scroll down the page:
After you have read through the terms click on the Orange CONFIRM button on the bottom right:
Once the deposit is successful you will see a green tab with a tick on the top right as shown below and a separate notification email will be send shortly as well:
Where to see the summary of your deposits:
The 0.31BTC staked inside will be shown at the top of the crypto earn page under Your staking
The Detail button will have all the information regarding yield payment and withdrawal dates.
Yield payments:
Yield payment will take place on the first week of every month and the day which you withdraw the staking. If you do not choose compound yield, the yield generated will be deposited into your main wallet in this case your BTC wallet. If you ticked compound yield, the yield generated will be added to your staked amount and will continue to roll on with the next yield payment. An email will also be send to you on the week of the yield payment.
You can also view the yield payment summary by clicking on to the Detail button under your stacking the yield payment will be updated inside after every 1st day of the month :
How to see the a general summary of all your yield payouts:
Move to the top of the page, click on Wallet and Transaction History:
You will come to this page. Click on Earn Distribution and Apply. A summary of the yield that is given will be shown.
How to see a summary of your yield payout for staking that have ended:
Under the Your Staking segment, click on Stopped:
The staking that was withdrawn out will be shown. Click on Detail to view the payout of your interest:
This pop up will appear and you can scroll down to see more details on the past yield payout that was given when it was staked in:
How to withdraw from Crypto Earn:
Referring to the above section under Your Staking once the withdrawal period is reached, to withdraw, click on Detail on the most right, a pop up will appear :
Scroll down to the end of the pop up and click on REDEEM on the bottom left. The tokens will be withdrawn back to your main tokenize wallet.
Summary of Crypto Earn Staking:
Membership Status | Type of Staking | Lock in period | Maximum staking period |
Normal and Premium | All | Minimum 30 days* | 1 year. No yield will be given thereafter. |
Platinum | All | Minimum 15 days |
All flexi withdrawal features will be remove for existing and new staking starting from 23thDec'22. This will apply across all memberships.
*For deposits on the first week of the month, withdraw can be done on the 2nd to 8th of the coming month (deposit on 1st week of Jun'22, withdrawal on 2nd to 8th of Jul'22 ) if it have reached minimum of 30 days.
If the deposit have yet to reach 30 days, it will continue to be locked in and the next withdrawal window will be 2nd to 8th of Aug'22.
For deposits on/after second week of the month, withdraw can be done on the 2nd to 8th 2nd coming month (deposit on 2nd week of Jun'22, withdrawal on 2nd to 8th of Aug'22 )
In the above cases if the user does not withdraw after the 1st opening period, the subsequent withdrawal period will be 2nd to 8th of the coming month and so fro.
For Platinum members there is a minimum lock in period of 15 days from the date they staked in.
Commonly asked questions on Crypto Earn :
Question: What are the yield pay out period and will we receive them in fiat ?
Answer: With your tokens in deposit, the yield will be paid out at the 1st day of each month and the day you withdraw them out. For platinum users, the payout will be from the 16thday onwards on the date that you initiate withdrawal. Yield pay outs will be in the form of the tokens which you deposited/staked in.
Question: What is the difference between below TKX staking and the previously mentioned 200TKX staking for a higher APR% ?
Answer: The Tokenize Xchange Staking that is shown above is depositing TKX tokens only. TKX tokens deposited in this manner cannot be used for pairing with other tokens for higher APR%.
Question: If I have already deposited BTC with 200TKX staking, can i deposit more BTC on a later date and enjoy the higher APR% as well ?
Answer: Yes it can be done. You will need to keep the first BTC with 200TKX staking in deposit. When you deposit in BTC only at the second time click on with TKX staking and ensure that you have the minimum amount of BTC to deposit, doing so with second or coming more BTC deposits you will get to enjoy higher APR%.
Question: If I like to enjoy higher APR% and I plan to deposit in BTC, ETH and LTC can I know how many set of TKX do I need to have ?
Answer: The 200 TKX staking is for each type of token so if you are keen to deposit 3 type of different tokens you will need to have 3 X200 TKX token ready.
Question: As a normal or premium member, If I do not withdraw out my tokens upon reaching the coming maturity date (30- 50 days later from staking ) can I know what will happen ?
Answer: If you decide to leave your tokens inside crypto earn after the maturity date, for normal members these tokens will be locked in for another 30 days with another round of yield generated.
The maximum stake in period will be 1 year from start of staking is user do not withdraw during the available withdrawal opening windows.
Question: Can I do partial withdrawal of the tokens that I have staked in upon next maturity date ?
Answer: It depends on the situation. For example, the minimum staking for BTC is 0.31 and you have staked in 0.4 BTC. You can withdraw 0.09 BTC and keep the remaining 0.31 inside if your staking is without compound yield enabled. If the staking if with compound yield, the withdrawal will need to be done in full regardless of how much excess you have staked in.
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